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Adam Croft

Only The Truth

Only The Truth


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Release date: 1 February 2017

Pages: 324

ISBN: 9781912599691

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He's not the perfect husband. But he is the perfect suspect.

Dan Cooper has never been the perfect husband to Lisa. He travels for work and plays the carefree bachelor when he can. But now, on a solo business trip, in a remote coastal hotel, he’s surprised to find Lisa in his bathroom. She’s dead.

He has no idea how she got there but one chilling fact is clear: everything points to Dan having murdered her. Someone is trying to frame him. Someone who might still be watching. In a panic, he goes on the run. But even as he flees across Europe, his unknown enemy stacks up the evidence against him.

Dan is determined to clear his name and take revenge on Lisa’s killer, but the culprit is closing in. And then there’s the agony of his own guilty conscience. No, he didn’t kill her—but is it all his fault?

Customer Reviews

Based on 46 reviews
David King
Only The Truth


Barbara Bee

Another absorbing read from Adam Croft, although not as good as Her Last Tomorrow in my opinion.This is a well constructed, yet quirky, story of a romp through Europe by two people fleeing a murder scene in an hotel in Kent. Whilst there is an early suspect, a number of red herrings are thrown in the mix along the way before the murderer is revealed in the final few disappointingly contrived chapters.Adam Croft has a comfortably flowing writing style, apart from two things in this book, that are to me like 'fingernails down a blackboard' i.e. ....eating off of, and 'exiting' a car, which is an unwelcome Americanism that seems to be wiggling its way into the English language!Finally, I would not hesitate to buy another book by this author.

Sue Alexander

A fast-paced, well-written suspense in which the main player, Daniel Cooper, a serial adulterer who has "issues" arising from his early upbringing in a children's home, discovers his wife's apparently strangled body in the shower of his hotel room with an incriminating message on her cell phone. His response is to run off, accompanied by the hotel receptionist, Jess, with whom he's been having sex that week and who also has "issues" from her formative years but appears to be in command of the situation. They flee through Europe and there in a caravan on a campsite Daniel eventually manages to work through the same thought processes as the reader and arrives at the same conclusion, At this point a spanner is thrown into the works when he returns from shopping to challenge Jess, only to find that she has apparently also fallen victim to his unknown tormentor. Once again his "flight" response is obeyed and he ends up in Bratislava where he is befriended by Marek who runs a bar, and his brother who is a "businessman" in need of a courier. Even here, though he is certain he has not been followed, a note is left for him which is obviously from the tormentor. Who wants to torment him and why? Read the book for yourself and find out!


I purchased this book on the Kindle First offer and I have to say I was very pleased I took the chance to grab it at just 99p because it was a thoroughly enjoyable read.The book starts off quite gently with no indication as to what is to come so we are taken entirely by surprise when something happens and even more surprised when the main character, Dan, reacts the way he does. As the story begins to unfold we are also given short insights into Dan's childhood and his character as he begins to grow up and how his life progresses. These begin to make the reader understand that Daniel may not be all he seems and opens up new possibilities as to what lies beneath the events that are starting to take shape around him.At one point had myself convinced I knew what had really happened and who the real killer was - so positive that I could almost have put the book down then and there, satisfied that I had solved the mystery and that I didn't need to read any more. However, the story that was evolving around him was far too interesting to just walk away and I really wanted to know how he was going to come to terms with what was going on.Then, BANG, the big reveal that I certainly did not see coming in any way shape or form.This was certainly one of those books that you cannot afford to dismiss as just another psychological thriller because it had so many twists and turns that it was hard to put down and walk away from for even a few hours.........and as for the very ending - well now there's another story!

Avid Reader

I'm writing this while I'm only half way through the book, so that I can't accidentally spoil it. The author uses a combination of small chapters and smallish sentences to generate a lot of momentum. So much momentum that I've got half way through in the blink of an eye.Dan is a lighting technician away on business in Herne Bay, when he has an affair with the hotel receptionist, Jess. But he gets a shock when he finds his wife Lisa dead in his hotel bathtub, seemingly strangled. As she was at home in East Grinstead and didn't know which hotel he was staying in, this is a mystery. He sees a text from him on her phone, telling her to come up to his room. He panics and gets in his car, to run away. He's surprised when Jess joins him. She takes control, organising him to get cash out of the bank, get his passport, and cross the Channel. They stay overnight somewhere in France, courtesy of a friend of hers, Claude. He allows them to switch cars, and they motor on to Switzerland.There are also flashbacks to Dan's childhood in an orphanage run by nuns, where he's not very happy. There's a sinister visitor to the orphanage, who does things to other boys, making them cry.Who killed Lisa? How did she get 70 miles from their home to the hotel? Who sent the text? Who exactly is Claude, and why is he helping them? Why is Jess running away too? How does his orphanage back story fit in? Hopefully all will be resolved in the second half of the story.